GR and JR Abood TA Harmony Wind Chimes
GR and JR Abood TA Harmony Wind Chimes
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Last online 1 week ago
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780 Eumundi Kenilworth Rd, Belli Park QLD 4562, Australia, 4562, Brisbane
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For the discerning ear and eye, Harmony Wind Chimes is the go-to brand for top-quality, Australian-made wind chimes and crystal sails that excel in both appearance and sound. Our chimes are designed to provide exceptional sound quality while simultaneously being stylish and aesthetically pleasing to any outdoor space.

We pride ourselves in using only the finest, sustainably sourced materials in the manufacturing process. Our timber components are crafted from Western Red Cedar and New Guinea Rosewood and treated with beeswax and orange oil. Our aluminium tubes are professionally powder-coated to prevent chipping, scratching, and corrosion and are complemented with UV-stabilised braid for longevity.

Our handmade chimes feature nickel-plated pins to ensure the pipes remain tuned and in place and stainless steel loops to protect against rusting and corrosion. They also come in a range of six colours for our larger chimes and four colours for our smaller chimes, with more options available upon request.

We offer our customers a three-year guarantee on all our chimes against faulty materials and workmanship in outdoor conditions. Browse our collection with your ears and choose the perfect addition to your outdoor sanctuary. As a leading wholesale wind chimes supplier, we offer chimes and crystal sails to retailers across Australia at highly competitive prices.

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