Diesel mechanic repair service in Adelaide

Auto Repair & Services 12 views ID: 3014

Published on November 3, 2024


Adelaide CV Joints is committed to offering the best diesel mechanic repair service in Adelaide to help you ensure your car remains reliable and safe. Our service can also help you lower the chance of expensive and unexpected repairs. Being a well-known player in this field, we have gained skills and experience in performing different types of services for cars of every model and make. We offer repair services based on the car manufacturer’s specifications and offer services like engine cars, electrical repairs, custom servicing, fluid maintenance, tyre care, suspension repairs, and more. Get in touch with us now to explore more about the services we offer.


2 Peacock Rd, Para Hills West SA
South Australia
-34.92866, 138.59863
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Adelaide CV Joints
Adelaide CV Joints
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