Vamana is the procedure of eliminating the dosha from the body through the oral route by way of inducing vomiting.
In this process the infected doshas are thrown out of the body by medication of emetics. It is the most effective treatment in Kapha dosha.
Vaman is recommended in Vasant rutu [spring season] since there is natural increase of kapha dosha in our body. In a disease having predominance of kapha dosha, Vaman can be performed at any time after performing snehana and swedana.
To whom Vamana should be given
The disorders of kapha predominancy
Shavsa-Bronchial asthma & disorders characterized by breathlessness.
Healthy person to protect from kapha diseases in future.
Vamana is the procedure of eliminating the dosha from the body through the oral route by way of inducing vomiting.
In this process the infected doshas are thrown out of the body by medication of emetics. It is the most effective treatment in Kapha dosha.
Vaman is recommended in Vasant rutu [spring season] since there is natural increase of kapha dosha in our body. In a disease having predominance of kapha dosha, Vaman can be performed at any time after performing snehana and swedana.
To whom Vamana should be given
The disorders of kapha predominancy
Shavsa-Bronchial asthma & disorders characterized by breathlessness.
Healthy person to protect from kapha diseases in future.
Peenasa-chronic Sinusitis
Visuchika- Gastro-enteritis
Kushta-various skin diseases
Upper respiratory tract diseases-larynaitis and pharyngitis
Gala ganda-thyroid enlargement.
Prameha-dieases characterized by altered character & excessive amount of urine including diabetes.
Mandagni-Impaired appetite.
Vishapita-Toxic condition who has taken poisons
Mukhapraseka-Excessive salivation
Granthi-Benign swelling
Mental disorders
Stanyadushti-Disorders of mother’s milk
Hridroga-Certain types of heart problem where kapha is predominant
How to give ?
Oral administration of sneha for a stipulated period followed by abhyanga and swedana forms the preparation of the client for vamana karma.Then client is subjected to vamana karma.At the end of the client is advised to follow the samsarjana(specific diet according to increasing digestive power) karma for regaining the original physical strength.This is the procedure of vamana karma.
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